Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Basics of Energy Working: Psychic Shielding

Continuing on the subject of psychic hygiene, I would like to talk about psychic protection. Energy is everywhere and in everything; perhaps as humans, the energy that affects us the most is thought. In Wicca, and indeed in occultism, we are taught that thoughts are energy, and this energy can cause changes not only in our environment but more importantly, with in ourselves as well.

This is good in that we can learn to control our thoughts for positive changes in our lives, but it can be challenging dealing with the thoughts of others, for example: the "psychic trash" of a city, the hurtful or malevolent projections of enemies or negative peoples, the energy draining activities of vampiric personalities, etc. How then do we protect our beings from these negative, unwanted energies?

Through the use of techniques called psychic shielding. The psychic shield is actually composed of our aura. The aura is the organic, bio-electrical energy field that surrounds the bodies of all places, things and beings. It is taught that the size, shape, and color(s) of an aura can reveal many things about a person's spiritual state. In the case of psychic shielding, the aura is strengthened to keep out extraneous or unwanted energies.

Our auras can be susceptible to outside energies, which can cause unhealthy reactions with in our minds, bodies and spirits, if we take in negative energies. By regularly clearing oneself with grounding and then protecting oneself with shielding, we create a protective field with in and with out us that will block negative influences but stay open to positive, healing energies.

As with grounding, I find that psychic shielding is an extremely important step to master in our lessons of energy workings. In fact, I believe this to be of such great importance that I charge readers who are interested in serious spiritual workings and practice to start one form of shielding everyday till the act is a basic and natural part of your daily activities. Like grounding, there are many different techniques of psychic shielding. Some are simple, while others can be more challenging, but with regular practice and good effort all techniques are very effective.

The Ball of Brilliant Light

This is a technique taught by the First Degree lessons of the Correllian Natavist Tradition and it is the technique I favor as a shielding exercise. Start by getting into a comfortable position, I normally sit on the ground cross legged. Make sure you will not be disturbed during this session, begin as always by yourself, clearing and releasing all tension and anxiety. Now visualize a spherical ball of white light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball; know that it is full of love, strength, and peace. Try hard to feel these qualities in the energy of the ball.

Now let the energy from the ball of light begin to flow down into you, filling you with bright, warm energy. The energy is a beautiful, clear white light. No matter how much light comes into you, the ball will remain equally strong, for it true nature is the Goddess (in Wiccan thought), it is a source of boundless spiritual energy. Let the energy from the ball pour into you and flow throughout your body.

Let it move out into your arms and legs and down into your fingers and toes. Now let the light expand beyond your whole body. At first, see the light expand just an inch from your body. Let it expand a little more, 2 inches, 4 inches and so on. Let the light expand to form a sphere around your whole body, a sphere filled with clear, beautiful, loving, white light from the Goddess (or Source, Divine Mind, Great Spirit,etc.). Let the sphere grow to form a perfect circle of energy around you, growing until it is about 6 feet across.

Now out loud or to yourself say what I call, the Correllian Shielding Affirmation:

" There is one power in the universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. As such, I do Will that the boundries of my aura shall be strong and healthy, repelling all unwanted energy but remaining open to positive, healing energy. Safe with in the boundries of my aura, nothing can harm me, for I am filled with the strength of the Goddess and the God. As I do Will, so mote it be and it is so!"

Now let the visualization of the light dissapate, but know that it's protection and strength remain with you. Finally, clear and release with a exercise. You have just erected a psychic shield using the "Ball of Brilliant Light".

The Crystal Shield

Here is a simple technique I put together myself, though there are differing variations of this same technique. First, find a comfortable position, sitting is best and make sure you will not be disturbed during this session. Take a few moments to just breathe, calm your mind.

Now slow your breathing to deep breaths then begin to count yourself down into a lite meditative trance from 12 to 1, with each breath you descend deeper into your meditative state. Now visualize a ring of white light surrounding you, expand this ring upwards and downwards into a sphere of white light all about you. See this light turn into hard impenetrable crystal, a strong shield that keeps out negative energy and protects you from harm.

Say to yourself three times, holding the visualization of the sphere turning to unbreakable magick crystal: "Protected by magick, protected by charm, Crystal Shield protect me from harm!" Then dissapate the visualization but know the crystal shield is still about you keeping you safe.

Count up from 1 to 12 slowly out of your meditative state then ground yourself. You have completed the session.

This article was written for you by Tytus Lionheart. Tytus has been studying and practicing Wicca, magick, herbalism, and other occult workings since 2006. Tytus is a practitioner of natural magick and perfers the term "folk magician" than "witch", yet either describes his magickal path as it is. 

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