Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chitosan Health Benefits

Chitosan Health Benefits: What is Chitosan?

Chitosan Health BenefitsChitosan is derived from chitin. Chitin is a polysaccharide found in the exoskeletons of shellfish. The chitin is obtained by removing the shells of shellfish and then grinding it into a fine powder. The powder is then stripped of certain chemical groups resulting in the product called chitin. Chitin will actively absorb fats.

In the past this product was used to detoxify water. When spread upon the water's surface, chitin absorbs greases, oils, heavy metals and other toxic substances so completely that an easily-removable scum forms on the surface of the water. It is popular world-wide in water purification plants and was only recently introduced as a health supplement.

Chitosan should be taken 30-60 minutes before eating allowing it to become activated so that it can absorb the fat and/or toxins from the meal.

Chitosan Health Benefits: The Benefits of Chitosan

According to research by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Chitosan works by forming "positively charged gel matrix in stomach acid able to bind bile acids, nitrogen metabolites, phospholipids, unesterified cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins, and calcium."

Some of the reported beneficial effects of Chitosan are:

  • Acne: Chitosan inhibits certain bacteria that cause inflammation associated with acne. (Centre for Natural Wellness)

  • Antacid: A Japanese company has a patent on Chitosan to be used as a antacid. (Centre for Natural Wellness)

  • Anti-Tumor: Chitosan has shown immunopotentiating action in recent studies involving mice. Mice fed chitosan showed a decrease in microphages, along with tumor growth impairment. (Centre for Natural Wellness)

  • Antioxidant: Chitosan demonstrats antioxidant effects by reducing hydroperoxides and carobonyls in a time dependent manner.  (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)

  • Candida: Chitosan exhibits the ability to kill candida in clinical tests involving mice. (Centre for Natural Wellness)

  • Chronic Kidney Disease: A 12-week study using 1450 mg of Chitsosan per day showed a reduced serum cholesterol, increased mean serum hemoglobin, reduced BUN, and reduced creatine in the group taking Chitosan as compared to the control group. The treatment group also showed improved appetite, sleep, and feelings of physical strength. (Vitamin Research Products) In a study on rats fed either Chitosan, Kremezin, or a normal diet showed the rats fed Chitosan showed marked prolongation of the survival period and decreases in blood urea nitrogen, serum creatine, serum phospate and protein ratio as compared to the group fed Kremezin or a regular diet which showed increases during the same period. (PubMed.gov)

  • Detox: Because Chitson has a very high fiber content, it can be used to cleanse the colon and can absorb toxins within the intestine and help to flush them out of the body.

  • High Cholesterol: Studies show that may lowers total cholesterol and may LDL cholesterol. (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center). Clinical studies indicate that in five weeks total cholesterol was reduced 32%. A Japanese study using rats showed liver cholesterol 60% lower in Chitosan-fed rats than placebo. (Centre for Natural Wellness)

  • Renal Failure: A 12-week study using 1450 mg of Chitsosan per day showed a reduced serum cholesterol, increased mean serum hemoglobin, reduced BUN, and reduced creatine in the group taking Chitosan as compared to the control group. The treatment group also showed improved appetite, sleep, and feelings of physical strength. (Vitamin Research Products) In a study on rats fed either Chitosan, Kremezin, or a normal diet showed the rats fed Chitosan showed marked prolongation of the survival period and decreases in blood urea nitrogen, serum creatine, serum phospate and protein ratio as compared to the group fed Kremezin or a regular diet which showed increases during the same period. (PubMed.gov)

  • Weight Loss: This product has been safely used for weight loss for over two decades.  A report in 1994 by ARS Medicina (Helsinki) showed that test subjects lost 8% of their body weight in four weeks using chitosan. (Vanderbilt University)

  • Wound Healing: Applied topically, Chitosan stimulates granulation tissue and enhances wound healing. (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) Plastic surgeons sometimes use chitson to help donor tissue rebuild itself by placing the chitosan directly to areas in which tissues have been removed to use elsewhere. (WebMD)

Chitosan Health Benefits: Chitosan in Veterinary Medicine

A veterinary-specific formula called Epakitin is now available. Epakitin is a chitosan-based phosphate binder and uremic reducer. This product has been clinically proven to reduce urea, creatinine, calcium absorption and decrease phosphatemia leading to an increase in life expectancy without affecting food consumption. Epakitin is reported to prevent future kidney damage and improve the pet's quality of life. (Plain Chitosan can be given in place of Epakitin.) The side effects of Epakitin have been mild and include lack of appetite, behavior changes, lethargy, and hypercalcemia (if higher than the recommended dose is adminstered). The recommended dosage is 1g/5kg of body weight given orally in the morning and in the evening with food.

Chitosan Health Benefits: Side Effects and Drug Interactions

  • People allergic to shellfish and people with intestinal malabsorption syndromes should not use Chitosan.

  • Some adverse effects reported were constipation, flatulence, and gastrointestinal distress.

  • Chitosan may bind to fat-soluable vitamins and decrease their absorbtion.

  • There are no known interactions between Chitosan and pharmaceuticals.

Chitosan Health Benefits: Clinical Studies on Chitosan



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